Welcome to the Official Site of the Republic of Ambazonia Government. This is the one and only site where you can find all the information you wish to know about the Republic of Ambazonia (RoA). 

Map of Ambazonia

The Republic of Ambazonia shares internationally recognised borders with the Republic of Cameroon to the East and the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the West.

Today’s National Flag of the Republic of Ambazonia

Old (First / Traditonal) Flag of the Republic of Ambazonia

National Anthem

Hail Ambazonia, Land of Glory

We the Ambazonians pledge your loyalty

Praise the Son our Saviour who granted us the freedom,

Allegiance to the heroes who bore the land with their blood,

Glory to glory we rise and never to fall,

Here in our nation flowing with milk and honey,
Glory, glory, glory to the father,

For making you a nation a joy forevermore.

Ambazonia, land of freedom you shall live in plenty meeting our needs,

And your children shall be like the stars above,

The Most High God be the Watchman of this Nation.

Ambazonia, land of freedom you shall live in plenty meeting our needs,

And your children shall be like the stars above,

The Most High God be the Watchman of this Nation.


We are working tirelessly in order to restore the Sovereignty of our Nation and putting in place a solid and perfect foundation for the future generation.

Who We Are?

The Government of the Republic of Ambazonia (RoA) is the successor State of the former Southern British Cameroons. The Republic of Ambazonia represents the aspirations and fraustrations of its citizens at all levels.

Our Mission

In its unwavering pursuit of justice, peace, and freedom for the people of Ambazonia, the government is resolutely committed to employing robust diplomatic strategies to address the ongoing occupation. Our mission is clear: to collaboratively engage with global leaders and influential organizations, intensifying diplomatic pressure on key entities such as the ECOWAS, African Union, European Union, and the United Nations.

The government’s diplomatic endeavors are meticulously designed to galvanize international support for a speedy and peaceful resolution to the occupation of Ambazonia by Cameroon. With a keen understanding of the global political landscape, our leaders are actively cultivating alliances and forging partnerships that amplify the Ambazonian cause on the international stage. By employing nuanced and convincing diplomatic undertones, we are articulating our aspirations for justice and the right to self-determination and restoration of our sovereignty with eloquence and persuasion.

Our engagement with the United Nations takes center stage in our diplomatic initiatives. Through strategic dialogues, presentations, and appeals, we are mounting sustained and impactful pressure on the international community to address the plight of Ambazonia urgently. This diplomatic offensive encompasses leveraging international legal frameworks and human rights conventions to underscore the urgency of the situation and the necessity for a peaceful resolution.

Simultaneously, we are extending our diplomatic outreach to regional bodies such as ECOWAS, the African Union, and the European Union. By fostering collaborative dialogues with these organizations, we aim to create a unified front that echoes the just cause of Ambazonia. Our diplomatic overtures are marked by eloquence, persistence, and a compelling appeal for these regional bodies to actively intervene and contribute to the swift resolution of the occupation.

It is crucial to emphasize that our diplomatic pursuits are not standalone efforts but complement a broader strategy that upholds non-violent means to achieve our objectives. Our commitment to peace, justice, and freedom remains resolute, and we shall continue to intensify our non-violent approach as we collaborate with leaders and organizations globally.

In the face of adversity, our government stands as a beacon of diplomatic prowess, actively shaping narratives, influencing opinions, and fostering a global understanding of the urgency and legitimacy of Ambazonia’s cause. Through strategic diplomacy, we are not just asserting our rights but actively charting a course towards a peaceful, just, and liberated Ambazonia.

The People’s Government

The Republic of Ambazonia is a constitutional democracy. The Government is made up of the Executive, Legislature and an independent Judiciary. This Government works for the Great People of Ambazonia at the International, National, Regional and Local levels.

The Government of the Republic of Ambazonia is one that is firmly rooted in action and accountability.